
I’m still here trying to understand why you did what you did. Why we used to fight all the times and then that one you left and cheated on me. You lost me there, and after I even tried to make things work out between us because I thought that I love you. But after being away of you for that long, I realized I do care about you, but that’s not love. I found out that I have stronger feelings for the guy before you, sorry to tell you about it.

Remember when I needed you the most and you shut me out? Does that moments rings a bell to you? Well, he was there for me. Every second, every text, he was there when all I ever wanted was for you to be there like I was there for you.

You broke my heart every time I needed to explain my family why you couldn’t come, why you didn’t attend to the wedding, why you didn’t were man-up. But now I learned, now I know what works and what doesn’t works for me.

And I care about you, I trusted you with all my heart and still you just broke it and walk away. And maybe yeah it was my fault cause I decided to stay, but that doesn’t makes it right to be with a girl for more than a year and just play with her feelings, knowing how sensitive and caring I am.

I cried days, weeks, months for you, and maybe you never read this letter or maybe yes, but now, as in TODAY, I want you to know that every inch my heart broke, is every inch I started to get further from you.

We had a story, at least I thought we did.

“Y si me pongo las pilas, en un año nos casamos”JC

Y pasó un año y ni novios fuimos…

And the hardest part is that I knew from the beginning that you weren’t my soul mate, cause I know that true love comes once, and that wasn’t you.

I forgive you for all the harm, I forgive cause I need to move on.

Don’t go crushing nice girls hearts. Stand up, be a man and stay with one.

That’s happiness.

And that’s just life.

No regrets.

1 Comment

  1. Meryem 10 years ago

    Im sorry , it hurts too much. I wish I could right my own letter to my ex too. But it won’t show how hurty and burdened I am.

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