Angry rant

Angry rant

Angry rant

I wish I said what I really wanted to say every time I meet up with you, so here goes


You are a selfish child who thinks of no one but yourself.

When I accept you back into my life you said stuff such as, “I can’t live without you”, and “I was so stupid for throwing you away”.

Why did you even comeback to me, if you truly did not want to work things out? You didn’t even put forth any effort at all to save the relationship. I on the other hand did.

I tried everything to strengthen the relationship. I listen to your short stories, gave constructive feedback, communicated more and did not hold back out of fear, and supported you by showing up to the V.A. script reading. I gave you everything.

Do you remember how long it took me to say “I love you” to you after the first breakup? Two weeks. Two weeks! And thats when you decided that you wanted out.

I will truly never understand why you did what you did, but I hope sucking your teachers dick is worth leaving the man who loved you unconditionally.

If I’ve learned one thing from being in a relationship with you, it would be how a relationship is not suppose to be. You never communicated any issues you had about the relationship, and because of that it failed. You were the sole reason why the relationship failed.



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