Three years of nothing

Three years of nothing

Three years of nothing

LTME-postDear Ex boyfriend,
We broke up on August 29,2016. The reason I remember this is because it was the night of my birthday just beginning. I thought nothing of it,because I thought this wasn’t the first time we broke up and it wouldn’t be the last. I have so many questions that I want answers to. Like, Why are you acting like we had nothing?, Why is that when we see each other you act like you don’t know me?,Why do I still love you? You promised me that high school wouldn’t break us up! YOU LIED! YOU MADE IT LIKE IT WAS ME WHO BROKE WITH YOU? We both did wrong in OUR relationship,but the difference between me and you is that I didn’t give up on you. I came back to you,because you know what I was dumb. We spent hours on the phone. You act like it never happened. One thing that I liked about you was the fact that you didn’t want me for sex like every other teenage boy. I am so confused. It’s like I don’t know you anymore. You make me angry. You are part of the reason I have hate in my heart. When we broke up you were already talking to another girl. Sadly,I was too. NOT,because I liked her not because I was gay,but because I wanted you to feel the pain I felt. I spent nights thinking about you. Wanting a phone call and wanting to talk to you about all my problems. You weren’t there when I needed you . I needed you when I had no one else. I told you things that I never told my best friends. I cried to you and you listened and you told me everything was going to be okay. YOU LIED! I miss you and I miss what we had. There is nothing I can do. I can’t change you ,but I can say thank you for teaching what is was like to love and thank you for being my first love and my first heart break. Teenage love is complicated and there is not happy ever after.


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