Sorry I was an awful girlfriend

Sorry I was an awful girlfriend

Sorry I was an awful girlfriend

LTME-postDear Ollie,
I know I am writing this very late and I’m sorry about that too. I’m sorry about a lot of things. I don’t really know where to start but I loved you, too much and when you let me go it hurt more that it should have and more than I let on. But the truth is I still love you, I love you just as much as I did when we were going out and I always will love you. I will never stop loving you I mean who gets over their first boyfriend. You were amazing to me. I still have everything you got me, even the bags. And I’m sorry, really sorry that I was an awful girlfriend, I don’t want to make excuses but I was just too shy. I knew I was lucky to have you. Way too lucky but somehow when you dumped me I was heartbroken, 3 years of what I thought was amazing was over forever. I’m also sorry if I ever annoy you by talking to you and sounding desperate, I just thought of something that reminded me of you. But I want to say that you have hurt me not because of the breakup but for ignoring me when you said we’d be friends or calling me a b**** on the day we broke up, I forgive you and I’m over you but I’ll always love you forever and always Xx


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