My new pet coffee stain Fred

My new pet coffee stain Fred

My new pet coffee stain Fred

LTME-postMy new pet coffee stain Fred gives me more emotional support than you did did. Fight then make up? Not possible more than we did. Go to bed angry. Never me, but she did. Wake up to just move on. Her one size fits all solution. Just put your shoes on? I can’t even figure out which move to move on. Now my judgments cloudy. Living suppressed, with emotions unchecked, blurred my vision and view off success. You chose your role in my life. We came to the table equal partners. Now it’s just sex. And I’m the reason that’s even good. Knock on wood. Speaking of wood. Remember when I long dicked you and broke your ovaries!? I’m Not trying to air the laundry. But when I choke you in bed it’s because i spend most nights choked up and in my head. Anyway fuck all that.. I’m over biting my tongue. The difference between you and the night is that every night, forever, the night will be young. Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity. Egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology. Where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. The gods would just laugh at him. Your phone is that pool of water. And I don’t know about God but I’m laughing at you. Speaking of god, does putting a bible verse in your bio make you any less of a hoe? I’m currently speaking to this ravishing young thing. No commitments no ring. But emotionally she’s there for me. She walks in the room and passions just speak. I stay up on books and she’s well read. On to a new chapter. You had me fucked up from the gate. You like to prey on the weak. You came only wearing the mask of a lion, I saw thru you and your lyin. I’m Not feeling a reply. I’m not even sending you this. You don’t deserve my goodbye.


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