I was dumb, angry and immature back then

I was dumb, angry and immature back then

I was dumb, angry and immature back then

LTME-postDear Ex,
I don`t know that you got messages. Please don’t let the messages break you down because this is the purpose of these messages. Just ignore it. Don’t allow it to be on your mind. Please take care of you and don’t do silly things, please!!! Don´t do this!!! Last time I was lucky that someone has got your phone number. Now I don´t know who has got your phone number.

I know you don’t deserve this. Like I told you in fall 2017, don’t believe the social media news! I was surprised to see you. I´m not some kind of sociopath to bother you. Yes, I`m stubborn and I have a lack of respect but I`m not crazy like that. If I have known that you texted me I would answer back and I did not block you. I guess some hacker did prank us and I`m not sure if the hacker is still there.

A story repeats again. There are two sides of a story like a medal. And I don´t get why you still get these messages. Normally these messages has got the goal that people distance themselves from me and they are successful too. I don´t understand why someone has to bother you with messages. And I never know that these messages were sent until someone tells me. The communication between us got cut off, so the misunderstanding can increase and we are unable to say the last thoughts from our mind.

After the break up I did not know that you was in a new relationship and I wouldn`t disturb you. Please keep this in mind. I only want you to be happy. And it wasn´t me who texted you.

Regarding “What I´ve done wrong.” Maybe it is a favor. Many of your assumptions are right.

I send you messages via facebook but I guess you are not able to read my messages yesterday. Belatedly Happy Birthday. I wish you the best. There is a quote: If life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Please don´t give up.!!! I don’t have your phone number anymore. I`m convinced that you can´t dial if you wanted to do because of my broken phone. Now I have changed the phone but I won´t change the phone number. If there is connection problem, then I guess the hacker is still there because I wouldn´t refuse your call. And I understand if you don’t want to contact me because my faults.

For all the trouble connected with me I’m very SoRRRY. Unfortunately I have not an influence on this trouble. I understand your views better know. Thanks for that. I was dumb, angry and immature back then. We both make mistakes because of the lack of experience.

You are a good person and someone wants us to break up the communication. About that I´m unhappy.

Best wishes from Germany


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