Sorry you cheated on her because of me

Sorry you cheated on her because of me

Sorry you cheated on her because of me

It’s been a while since we’ve caught up. You’re single now. I don’t know if you have anyone new. But something has always niggled at me and I just want to apologise. I’ve always felt bad after that secret dinner we went on, two exes catching up. You ended up back at my place, despite your hesitation. I admit it, I pulled out all the stops to seduce you, and I’ll never forget your face when it was over. You were such a moral guy, and cheating wasn’t your bag. At the time I thought it was a victory for me because I was your girlfriend before she was, and she kind of took you away from me. I feel shit about it now though, and although you’ll probably never read this I’m posting it here anyway in the hope I can forgive myself.

1 Comment

  1. Ps 6 years ago

    I ‘m am sorry for how I hurt you back then. There’s no excuse. It fucking killed me inside. I cared for her but she blew me off. Told me to move on. And you gotna hold of me. I should of told you I was emotionally unavailable. But I decided why not. And yea you were fun and amazing. But I never delt with or got closure from her. Im sorry and I was a jerk. I buried it to the back of my mind. Told her I what I had done and said I wasnt worth it. I was so indecisive. But this whole breakup with be reminded of that. I hated myself. And I chose to supress it and thought I had forgotten. So I sorry I hurt the two of you. I’m a real pieece of shit. The only one who needs to apologize is me. I wasn’t honest. I got alot of aelf improvement to do.

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