My last words to you

My last words to you

My last words to you

LTME-postHey! it has already been 2 months now since you broke up with me. Seriously I have no idea what the hell just happened. I can’t yet seem to fathom what caused you to have that decision, you said you were just sorry and that I have to stay focused on my studies because you said that was all that I wanted to do, you really have no idea what i had been through just to keep up with you because I had loved you so much already, you made promises to me one of them was you’re gonna stay with me for as long as forever and that you understand what I was going through that time, but still you left me. We didn’t had any proper closure of what we had and maybe that what’s keeping me hurt up until this time, there were things I forgot to tell you that day we broke up and decided to live our lives individually again maybe because you never seem to care anymore of the words that I was trying to say and you can’t seem to wait to get rid of me already, so yeah I’m writing these down here, and first on my list is I’m sorry, I admit I have my share of mistakes of what happened between us, I’m sorry for not having to take care of you just like how a proper girlfriend would be, I’m sorry for all the dates I have turned you down because of the many things I had to do in school, for all those disappointments and heartbreaks I had caused you that I was unaware of, Im really, really sorry.Second thing I would like to tell you is Thank you, seriously thank you so much for being a good brother and a best friend when I needed someone to confide in, thank you for leaning me your shoulder when I was already too tired emotionally, mentally and physically, thank you for making me laugh at times when I really need a good one, thank you for all the treats you have paid for me because you don’t want me getting grumpy when were together, thank you for the understanding you have given that I thought would last but I forgot that you were also my man and that I need to also make you feel important, thank you for everything “hubby”. and lastly I would like to tell you Good bye, you told me that day that would want us to be friends and I told you “no” and it’s still a NO now, I can’t be friends with someone as special as you, I knew you weren’t happy anymore with me and accepting you as my friend would make things worst for me because I have to let you go for you to be happy and live your life the way I want you to, I don’t want to keep you for myself when there’s someone out there just waiting for you and would deserve all your love than me. I know and I feel that you’re starting to have your happiness that I took from you, back, and that’s because of a special someone, I hope and pray that she’s gonna take care of you like I was supposed to. And to end this short letter of mine I would like to promise you one thing, One day when our paths would cross again, I promise you that I’m already okay and maybe I can already take you as a friend. I love you, always have.I wish I could hug you for the last time but I know that’s already impossible for me to do. Be happy my “Superman”.


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