your hypegirl

your hypegirl

your hypegirl


my sweet heart, my baby, my superman. all of these things you were. you cam eat a very dark time in my life. we weren’t supposed to be but somehow you managed to break through my shell. and then this…. i’m beginning to accept the fact that I’ve been dumped. i guess its hard for be because i didn’t see it coming. all i kept thinking is how great we were and how i j=had just began to trust you… trust was always an issue for us. communication was too. im ashamed to say that i believed  you everytime you told me that you loved me.

and i believed it even more the first real argue we got into… when you ended up putting my groceries out of the car and i broke your pocket knife… you cried later and said you hated arguing with me and that you were in love with me. it’s hard to believe this was only a few months ago… the trust is im angry at you. im disappointed and sad and it takes all of the strength in me to get through the day without feeling like crap. i feel like these past months were a lie. i cant understand how you could love me one day, and leave me the next. a few nights ago, we made love. you apologized and said you wanted to take this thing day by day. you went to work and now you’re apparently too focused to love me. i only wish that you would have never asked me to let you in my life. everything hurts now, and i nly think of pain when i think of you. i was never your girlfriend… i was only your hype girl.. someone to cook for you, and take care of you at 3AM when you wee running fevers… someone to help you with school work and make doctor’s notes… someone for you to hang out with… i was your fixation to boredom. and I’m done now. i only hope that don’t hate you when everything is said and done. karma is real, t. it’s a real thing. this love we had was real, or so i’d thought.and you threw it away. the sad part?…. i don’even know why we broke up.


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