Break-up thoughts become art in Abandoned Love project

Break-up thoughts become art in Abandoned Love project

Break-up thoughts become art in Abandoned Love project

i felt secure with youIf you’re on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter you can’t escape all those happy, inspirational, sunshiny banners with quotes about love. And if you’re feeling a bit heartbroken and broken in general, it’s probably fair to say that such images can drive you batshit crazy.

That’s why I dig everything about this amazing Abandoned Love art series, by artist Peyton Fulford. She asked people to submit their most private thoughts to her Tumblr page and found that so many were about love. However, she wanted to get away from the happy, celebratory banners that are always posted and do something that was a bit more raw and realistic. “I decided to use only the phrases that focused on the relationship between love and melancholy,” she explained on her website.

I fuck up a lotFulford chose eight messages, creating banners of each one using card stock, spray paint and string. She then hung them on abandoned buildings around her hometown of Columbus, Georgia. The buildings, she felt, mirrored the sadness and distress in the quotes themselves, and that also led to the name of the series as a whole. It’s amazingly poignant – don’t you think? I love it. More on the whole series here.

Via Lost at E Minor

If you could hang a banner with a one-liner on it about your feelings right now, what would it say?


  1. LP 10 years ago

    Come home. I’ll do better.

  2. Sara 9 years ago

    “After all that I done, was it ever enough?”

  3. David 9 years ago

    The love of my life who’s name is also Sara gave her all & I love her exactly who she is for I’ve never met a woman like her.

  4. pupa 9 years ago

    Husband….Thanks for helping me get my air conditioner out the window, i wish I didn’t always talk about what went wrong the whole time and you say nothing and then go meet your new girlfriend. Screw you

  5. A 9 years ago

    You made me feel like nothing, but you’re still everything.

  6. Bonita 8 years ago

    You’re wrong. I am enough

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