Did I really deserve to be broken all over again?

Did I really deserve to be broken all over again?

Did I really deserve to be broken all over again?

LTME-postBefore you begin to read anything else just know this letter is not to get your attention or to ask for a chance because it’s apparent and clear you moved on. This is an attempt for me to feel better because there’s nothing more I want than to be happy and heartache free again. I know I’ll never and I’m sorry for hurting you because you think you did nothing wrong. I apologized for the way I treated you and I expected an apology from you hurting me how my ex did by talking to someone while still being with me.

One day ask yourself and answer why did you have to hurt me in the same way they had already hurt me? Did I really deserve that? Why fill my head with future plans and doggy names and then strip everything away. Did I really deserve that? Why a few days before the break up buy a memory box. Seriously, did I really deserve to be broken all over again?

Unfortunately for me we’re not wired the same and I can’t just go on dates and sex to make me forget. As a matter going on dates makes me feel lonelier if that makes any sense. Maybe I cared too much about you.

This was all just a way to help me heal and be on my way to perhaps trust again. This letter has nothing to do with our breakup. It’s mainly about helping myself move on because I know you have. I’m in no rush but I do want to feel complete again. I wish you the best and I pray that your heart opens up to someone one day and you let them in. Being loved is an amazing feeling.

1 Comment

  1. Fay 9 years ago

    I love what u said here it’s how I feel about my ex, too

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