I still miss what we had

I still miss what we had

I still miss what we had

LTME-postTo my Moosh,

So it’s been 2 months now. 2 months since you broke our world into, 2 months since I packed my bags, threw my boxes out the front door, I broke down at our door.
When you took my boxes to my mums hallway I didn’t think I would hate you as much I did in the moment. But I was just hurt. We had the perfect relationship,. And you cheated! The one thing you promised me you wouldn’t do. Even now you can even tell me what happened.

But you know what I do forgive you! Because I love you.
You are the only person I can’t seem to let go of. We see eachother once a week, we still sleep together, you still kiss me hard and hug me tight when I sleep.
We had a lot of great memories.
Running around IKEA in Birmingham,
My first flight where you held my hand tight, as I cried with panic.
Christmas, our pregnancy scare, New Years, Spain, valentines, Harry Potter, kingsman, family holiday, hot tub, my birthday, our first apartment, sofa shopping, bestfriend a wedding, nerf gun war… me walking out the door, slamming the cup to the ground.

Now we have an amazing friendship of pizza, Chinese, random chats, us laughing together.

How you can feel anything is beyond me!!!

Truth is I miss you and want us back! But a new us.


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