Don’t break him too.

Don’t break him too.

Don’t break him too.

LTME-postHey babygirl,

It’s been so long since I called you that. We haven’t spoken at all in months. It’s funny how you said you were going to block me on everything. And yeah you blocked one of my accounts on instagram, but you didn’t block me anywhere else.

I’m still so mad at you. Three weeks after our one year anniversary we break up and you just run off with my best friend. You must’ve thought I was stupid. I knew, from the moment I saw you too in a room together I was gonna lose you. He was better than me in every way. (He isn’t, but you seem to think so.)

But I’m moving on. I found this guy. He is so perfect. I can be myself around him and he is so funny. He treats me like a princess. I’m not used to that because I was always treating you like a princess. He is actually really handsome. I think I might be falling really hard for him. I am scared though, what if it’s not as strong as the feelings I used to have for you? What if it is and he doesn’t feel the same.

I’ll just have to wait and see. I am curious though. Would you be jealous if you knew? How he is making me smile now, how he is healing my broken heart and he doesn’t even know it. He actually let’s me forget about you for a while. Because of him I can listen to love songs again without crying.

Maybe one day we’ll meet again, like in that Closer song from the Chainsmokers. I hope so, but I hope we can be friends then. Oh and baby. Don’t break your new toy like you did to me. He is too young for that. I know how perfect life with you seems, but you use people for your own good and that really needs to stop.

With love,
Ivy (poison that is.)


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