I’m not sorry

I’m not sorry

I’m not sorry

Hey Vahid,
I wish I could spend more time with you. I cherished every seconds of our relationship. Although you were never really there but I always felt the presence of you and it felt so different. Anyway, enough thanking you.
Let me tell you more about myself. Because you didn’t dig enough to know my true values.
You lost the one who really cared about you. I am hundred  percent sure that no one will love you the way i did. I don’t really know what happened. I always tried to be there for you and i supported you. I think you are genius like Einstein himself. But I decided that I don’t want to end up like Mileva.
I am fun. So even though you hurt me in the worst possible way I still smile when i think of your stupidity and arrogance. I wish you could be grateful for your talents and be more humble.
I was not a simple minded person. who would rent someone money and don’t ask for payback? I knew that you had finance issues and I loved you. I never said i did this i did that so appreciate it. But i wish you know that i think you are so rude not to realize it! Of course i didn’t choose to be rich. I thought you loved me for me… I considered it as donating!
My dearest Vahid. You thought me about love. For you it was about passion or temporary desires but for me it meant more. I hope that one day you get to experience it baby. It’s beautiful.
I think there was a time when i wanted to be your wife. I wanted to live with you. I like how you were an introvert and innocent. You lived in a small city and you were away from all the darkness. I saw greatness and light within you. I wanted to help you. you were born in a poor family and i wasn’t happy in my rich family. I know at some point it didn’t make sense to you and you wanted to get away because you were afraid. But I thought we could build our lives ourselves. 
I am not sorry for breaking up with you. You could have at least respected me more. Why would you lie to me?
Enough accepting late night texts. enough baring no input efforts. enough with all your dramas.
If you think that I will regret the end of the relationship you are so wrong.
You are unstable and you have low emotional intelligence. A complete narcissist…
I don’t know what future holds. But i wish not to see you again as you rudely asked.
You made me think that I am needy or something. Yes! I had so many issues and problems. But I never ever beg to anyone to love me. I love God and he love me. That’s enough.
You are the greatest actor I have ever seen in my entire life. You pretended that you love me but your love was either not real or lust. 
I will forget that I thought that you were the one and I will move on
You thought that you are so smart and you are better than me. Ok. Live without me genius.
I bet you are going to scream my name.
I won’t hear it.
I am not sorry to let you go and set you free to search everywhere to find another like me. I admit. no one is that stupid to fall for such an unbalanced character.
I wish you the best. Don’t get me wrong. I just wish you feel my absence. and suffer as i did.
I have learned to look for what i want and don’t fall till i found it. I will…


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