To my ex

So there were a lot of things I wish I would have said while we were together that would have made things so much easier. Things like “Get a grip I have a life I’d like to live too” that one I should have said when I had that party over the summer. That was when I should have realized you were toxic because it was not the first time but it was one of the major times imprinted in my brain where you had threatened you ‘unalive’ yourself with a hand full of pills and some alcohol. All those times I cried over you to get you to stop, you knew what you were doing to me and yet you kept going. You were a sick person and i want you to know that you are the reason I have trust issues. You are the reason I have anxiety and fear when my boyfriend is upset now. You are the reason why I doubt my self image and honestly if you read this even if you don’t know who it’s from I hope you look at yourself and fix it and I hope your new play thing has the courage to tell you what I didn’t and I hope she can straighten you out. She’s pretty by the way – tell her I said hi :). 
Never Again Yours,


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