Why Would You Do That To Me?

Why Would You Do That To Me?

Why Would You Do That To Me?

I’m missing you tonight. Like I do a lot. I miss your daily texts… when you first slipped out “em” and how you were surprised yourself and said “woah, that just slipped right out”…. when you adorably said “I wish you were pregnant! Then we could go look at cool stuff”… and of course, when you said “…no but I’m dead serious… I think if we had a kid, it would be so cute.” 
Why? Why did you do all these things… text me everyday, say all of these things… talk to me so much… and then leave me the way you did? You left without saying anything, blocked me… because I kindly expressed that you had hurt me. You think that it’s wrong of me to feel sad that you didn’t care much to check on me while I was hospitalized? The way you minimized everything and brushed it all off? Isn’t it ironic that you’re a doctor? It makes it worse, right? Why? Why is this the way it is? Because you had someone else all along? Because she’s probably more convenient? There’s nothing that I did wrong other than believe that you were anywhere near as invested in me like I was in you. But is it really all my fault? Look at the things you said. 
I am so mad at you. I hate you. I hate that I miss you. I hate that I still want you. I hate that I still want to have those cute babies we talked about. You are so evil, so horrible for cutting me off when I did nothing wrong. I look for every single sign there is, with hopes deep down that you will come back. I have thought that it wouldn’t work anyways, but I can’t help but hope because I want you. I do. I don’t want to want you, but I do. And I don’t know what else to do about it other than to write this out and hope it helps because clearly you don’t want me. You are horrible. I hate you so much. You were so sweet, so silly and goofy in your own way and you’d say or do little things here or there that were so cute. There was so much potential, so much hope (at least on my end). As much as I don’t want to feel or say this… please… come back…. commit to me. We would be so beautiful together, I still imagine our family and you as a daddy. Why did you do that to me….? I miss you.


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