The drugs got you first

The drugs got you first

The drugs got you first

LTME-postDear ex,
It’s been four months since we last spoke. I saw you at graduation and that’s the last time I’ve seen you until today. Today was hard, it brought back all the things I had forgotten about you.. your blue eyes, brown hair, your laugh, voice, etc. My heart felt like it was literally skipping a beat, you didn’t say anything you didn’t even look at me. I never understood why you were like that, feeling like ignoring the problem would make it easier, or even make it go away? I used to know you so well. I was so sure you were gonna text me later that night, to meet up at talk. I was so sure, and truthfully I wanted you to. You didn’t though. Days went by and I thought about our little encounter, I was unsure how you were anymore. My friends tell me you’ve been drinking and doing drugs often, more often than it was okay (daily). My heart fell heavy and weak, no way that our breakup did that to you? You ended it. Did seeing me hurt you? I had hoped it would and you’d text me, but the drugs got you first.. now you’re in love with the drugs, they took my place. They filled the void no other girl but me could. I’m unsure of you, I don’t know who you are anymore. It’s been only four months and it seems as though you’re another person..I hope love and happiness eventually fill the void and become your drugs. I’ll love you from a distance now and you’ll forever remain in my heart.


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