You broke us

You broke us

You broke us

LTME-postTonight as I lay in a empty bed watching our communication dwindle down to nothing I realize that all the pain we have been through over these last few months isn’t because of me. Why couldn’t you approach my anxiety with compassion and love like I always approached ours. You are the one who put the doubt in my heart and head. It was your actions and lack there of to take care of me like I took care of you. You could have gone outta your way like I did every time to make me feel safe. You made me outta control. You said I called you a slut,a who’re and was screwing your friend. This made you a liar. You said I went off and said these horrible things because I was having a night terror. You used my illness against me and because of that I know you are now a liar. Your lying is just a red flag of comferation that you probably are all those things. We are done now B. I don’t put up with liars and gas lighting users.


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